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2011年復活節期間,周子良牧師和六個家庭的弟兄姊妹看見在 Fort Lee 地區這片福音禾場有很大的需要, 經過幾個月的禱告,決定開始籌備建立新生命華人教會。感謝神,在這一過程中,神一直為我們開路。

神首先為我們預備了崇拜的地方,也就是現在教堂使用的 Fort Lee Gospel Church。然後,我們通過逐家逐戶的探訪及郵寄,向社區的華人朋友發出邀請信,神便帶領更多弟兄姊妹和慕道朋友來與我們一起崇拜。新生命華人教會的第一次崇拜在2011年7月10日早上九點舉行。



During Easter 2011, Rev. Leon Chow and brothers and sisters from six families saw a need in Fort Lee.  After months of prayer, they decided to start preparations for the establishment of a new life Chinese church. Thank God that He has always made way for us in this process. First, a place of worship was prepared for us, Fort Lee Gospel Church.  Then God also prepared brothers and sisters for us.  We sent an invitation letter to Chinese families in the community through house-to-house visits and mailings.  The first worship of the New Life Chinese Church was held at 9 am on July 10, 2011.  At the end of 2012, in order for the church to grow healthier, we decided to join the Christian & Mission Alliance (C&MA) the missionary and make universal preaching our goal. 

So far, the church has come all the way, witnessing the abundance grace of God, may glory and praise be our Father in heaven!


Our Mission


Leading all Chinese in Fort Lee community to a renewed relationship with God, and living by faith, hope, and love based on the Holy Bible.

Our Core Value


Our Team

  • 追求與神建立親密關係

  • 裝備信徒活出他們的信仰

  • 熱心迫切地傳揚基督的福音

  • 彼此鼓勵在信心與事奉上長進

  • 在互助的關係中彼此堅固

  • 以身作則,盼望每一個肢體都參與教會的服事


  • We pursue an intimate relationship with God

  • We equip believers to live out their faith

  • We zealously proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ

  • We encourage all brothers and sisters to grow in faith and to grow by serving

  • We are bound closely in Christ through supporting each other

  • We strive for everyone in our church to be involved in serving serve the Lord

教牧同工 Pastoral Staffs

鄭錦釗牧師Rev. Jeffrey Cheng

執事同工 Co-workers:

鄭勤明 Michael CHENG

馮    姍 Shan FENG

呂美卿 May Lui

操伊倫 Ellen TSAO

王蘭岺 Karen WANG

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