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        除了累積了多年的職場閱歷,鄭牧師亦曾接受過多次神學裝備,包括於香港播道神學院完成基督教研究碩士(MCS, 2015)學位,及在美國三一神學院獲取道學碩士(MDiv, 2019) 學位。其後,他亦通過美國宣道會Metropolitan District 的考核,被按立成為牧師。

        蒙神帶領,鄭牧師於2020年在紐約巿史丹頓島上開展植堂事工,在COVID-19 的疫情下建立了一間廣東話教會。2023年,疫情退卻,神再帶領鄭牧師一家前往新澤西州的新生命華人教會,參與牧養和教導的事奉。

        鄭牧師與妻子Jessica 在香港大學相識及相戀,2005年結婚後,生了一女一子。除了研讀聖經,鄭牧師喜歡跟家人相處,他最享受一家四口自駕遊的旅程。

Rev. Jeffrey Cheng was born in Hong Kong. As a graduate of the University of Hong Kong, Jeffrey held a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science. He had worked as an actuary for 14 years, with an expertise in asset-liability management. Just like matching negative cashflow with a positive one, salvation from Jesus is the only way to repay the debt of sins- according to the Bible. Having moved by the Holy Spirit, Jeffrey accepted Jesus as his Saviour in the third year of his actuarial career.

Jeffrey earned his first master’s degree (Master of Christian Studies) from the Evangel Seminary in Hong Kong after 12 years following Christ. In 2014, God called the family to serve among the Chinese communities in the America. The family responded to the call, and in 2019, Jeffrey received his MDiv (Master of Divinity) from the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in IL.

In 2020, the family started their ministry as church planters in Staten Island, NY. They began the Charis Community Church of C&MA, which was a Cantonese ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, God called Jeffrey to transition to a leadership and pastoral role at New Life Chinese Church in New Jersey.

Jeffrey loves to spend time with his family. He and his supportive wife, Jessica, have been married for many years. They have a gifted daughter and an intelligent son. 



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        陳瑾傳道在香港出生和成長,於中學時隨家人移居美國。在蒙召全職事奉之前,她曾從事 IT 行業,後來成為一位全職母親,負責三個孩子的在家教學。

        陳傳道多年在宣道會聚會,並投入兒童事工和其他教導、門徒訓練相關的服事。蒙神呼召後,她就讀慕迪神學院, 於2018年完成神學碩士學位(MDiv)。同年,她開始在新澤西州一間華人教會擔任牧職,達五年之久。




Pastor Kan Chan was born and raised in Hong Kong, then moved to the U.S. when she was a teenager. Prior to being called to full-time ministry, she worked in the IT field for several years. Subsequently, she became a stay-at-home mother and homeschooled her three children for many years.

Kan was a longtime member of a C&MA church, where she served in the children ministry and other teaching and discipleship-related roles. Upon receiving God’s calling, she pursued and completed her Master of Divinity degree from Moody Theological Seminary in 2018. She then served as a Chinese Minister at a church in New Jersey for five years.

Later, Kan served as a part-time pastor at Charis Community of C&MA while taking care of her husband with terminal cancer, until he passed away to be with the Lord.  After a Sabbatical, in 2025, God led Kan to begin a new season of pastoral ministry at New Life Chinese Church.

With her life testimony, Kan desires to be a blessing to others, to witness the steadfast love and faithfulness of the Lord, and to testify the goodness of God, that no matter the circumstances, He is worthy of our trust.


Secretary 秘書 - Shan Feng 馮姍

Christian Education 基督教教育 - Shan Feng 馮姍 / Bijan Marjan

Mission 差傳 - Joyce Lo 盧秀清

Fellowship 團契 - May Lui 呂美卿

Caring 關懷 - May Lui 呂美卿 / Joyce Lo 盧秀清

Treasury 財政 - Karen Wang 王蘭岺

General Administration 總務 - Bijan Marjan



Our mission is to lead the Chinese in Fort Lee community to establish a renewed relationship with God, and to live a life with faith, hope and love according to the teachings of the Bible. We invite you to join us, hand in hand, to overcome all the ups and downs in life through prayer, Bible study, and the mighty power from our God.

1625 Palisade Avenue

Fort Lee, NJ 07024

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